
God’s Plan of Salvation

First of all

    Accept that…

          God loves YOU.   He loved you so much that He allowed His very own Son to take the blame for your sin.     (John 3:16)

          Christ died for YOU  and  all people everywhere.     (Romans 5:8b)


Recognize that…

          Everyone sins.   No exceptions!     (Romans 3:23)


          Sin separates YOU from God.   The price you should reasonably pay is separation (death)

                    from God, but He has another way.     (Romans 6:23)


Believe that…

          Jesus is the answer.   Place YOUR "faith" and "trust" in Jesus Christ.   The Bible says that

                    believing that Jesus is God’s Son is the first step toward faith.     (Acts 16:31)



          Admit to God that YOU are a sinner.   Ask God to forgive you and allow you to live with   Him forever.    (1 John 1:9)


          Do NOT just say YOU are sorry,  BUT ask God to help YOU change YOUR ways.   Do an 
                    about-face.   Ask God to help you stop doing what you shouldn’t do, and start doing what you should do.     (Acts 3:19)


          Tell others about YOUR faith in Jesus.   Confess to others what Jesus has done for you and

                    how He has changed your life.     (Romans 10:9)


          Live in a way that pleases God.   God wants us to follow His guidelines for living.   By living a life pleasing to Him, this will be a testimony to your new life in Him.     (John 14:15)    


          Take the next step of obedience through "baptism."   Jesus, Himself, was baptised in the

                    River Jordan by John the Baptist,  and He, Jesus, ask that we follow His example.     
                    (Matthew 3:13-17)  


          Once YOU have been "baptized", be sure to grow through fellowship and worship with other believers.     (Hebrews 10:23-25)